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Thornhill, Ontario

Winter Fun in Alqonquin Highlands


A glimpse of our trip to Indonesia. We spent the majority of our time on Bali and the Gili Islands and loved every minute of it. Enjoy! :)

Winter Fun in Alqonquin Highlands

Aleksandra Radic

I really don't like winter, but spending the weekend up north made my enjoy it a little more. There was so much snow which is something that we don't get in Toronto that often anymore. It was also very quiet and deserted - nothing but spruce trees covered in snow and compleely frozen lakes. Being surrounded by a forest and a lake the whole weekend was very relaxing and therapeutic. I also had the best sleep in months and I'll give credit to the clean air! Sigh...

If you want to get out of Toronto and have a great weekend, head up north and rent a cottage! Also, there is some amazing skating through the forest at Arrowhead Provincial Park!